Sunday, 23 February 2014

Iguaçu falls

We survived the night without being eaten by cockroaches. The hostel serve beans, sausages and scrambled egg for breakfast along with fruit and cake, which we've realised is what everyone eats for breakfast here.
We found the bus stop to the falls which took what seemed like forever as it was full of sweaty tourists, but was more like 20 minutes.
The falls were massively impressive and were worth last nights horrendous events. Our lunch bag got attacked by a racoon bear (I don't know what its actually called!) Which added some excitement to the walk around the falls. We walked out onto a viewing platform and up a viewing tower for even better views.
The hostel even has a boxer puppy who is really cute but also teething which isn't so cute!
Tomorrow we're going to cross the border and see it from the Argentinian side!

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